Zero Carbon Accelerator

Scaling up London’s ability to decarbonise

The Mayor of London’s Zero Carbon Accelerator offers a range of support to London-based organisations, wherever they are on their journey to decarbonisation.

From expert advice and training to knowledge sharing and funding, the Accelerator aims to help London meet its net zero target by 2030.

65%* of carbon emissions in London come from buildings

To meet the Mayor of London’s net zero target by 2030, we need to accelerate the energy transition of our buildings, such as hospitals, schools and social housing.

*Table 1, London’s emissions by sector in 2022, Mayor of London website

What is the Zero Carbon Accelerator?

illustration of a London building

Decarbonising London’s buildings

The Zero Carbon Accelerator will transform organisations’ ability to decarbonise and will help London to meet its net zero target by 2030. This will be done by sharing technical expertise, upskilling and training, and guidance on topics such as funding, procurement and project management.

Who is it for?

The Zero Carbon Accelerator supports London-based organisations including:

  • local authorities
  • public sector organisations such as health and education providers
  • social housing providers
  • the Greater London Authority Group
  • community groups
  • cultural and heritage institutions.